Q: How does our need to control stiffen life’s possibilities?
A: When we focus…
Q: What does a person gain when they relinquish control?
A: They gain greater vision…
Q: How can we reduce our fears so that we will control less? …
Truth and Tips Q&A #1 explained how fear was the prime driver of…
(4th in an ongoing series on Acceptance in The Time of Coronavirus)
(Third in an ongoing series on Acceptance in The Time of Coronavirus)
If you’re…
(Second in an ongoing series, “Acceptance in the Time of Coronavirus”
The many uncertainties…
The Serenity Prayer* has really helped me in dealing with the severe impact…
Many of us have little inkling about how much, how often, and in…
We all have uncomfortable lulls in our lives where we feel things are…
The Serenity Prayer* is my guide to practicing acceptance in all my affairs.…
My father, Morry Miller, was only 21 years old when this Air Force…