Other Books by Daniel Miller

As I struggled with the constraints and challenges of Covid-19, I explored ways in which practicing acceptance could “normalize” my life by lessening concerns and anxiety during such chaotic and uncertain times. At the suggestion of my eldest daughter, I wrote a series of blog posts about the tools and strategies that helped me achieve greater balance and serenity during the pandemic and later compiled them into a short ebook, Acceptance in The Time of Covid-19. It is my free gift to you.

“This 14-chapter book is chock full of useful information and tools for investment evaluation.”—Mortgage Banker
“The book is clearly written, understandable to potential investors who have little or no knowledge of real estate, and unmistakably to the point.”—Real Estate Review
“Mr. Miller has carefully documented a step-by-step manuscript for the investor and/or developer who is planning to promote a syndication. The assets, the risks, and the potential yield are well and easily explained.”–The Robbins Report
The book is currently out of print. However, Danny has a limited number of hard and print copies available if you wish to contact him at [email protected]