For eighteen years, the Serenity Prayer has been my personal prayer and acceptance guide.
“God, Grant Me the Serenity to Accept the Things I Cannot Change,
Courage to Change the Things I Can, and
The Wisdom to Know the Difference.”
The first thing I do upon awakening in the morning is to get on my knees, place my hands on my bed, and recite these poetic phrases.
I then go outside and recite the Prayer again as I take in the beauty all around me.
This ritual brings me a sense of comfort and well-being as I start my day. It balances and grounds me as I deal with the day’s challenges and uncertainties.
I also love writing and sharing about the Serenity Prayer. In Losing Control, Finding Serenity I devote a chapter explaining how the Prayer helps remove the unhealthy compulsion to control. In The Gifts of Acceptance, I include a chapter explaining how I apply the three phrases of the Prayer to specific situations and circumstances.
In this blog, I shared “How the Serenity Prayer Helps with the Coronavirus” and some ideas about “Optimizing the Benefits of the Serenity Prayer.”
Using the Serenity Prayer As an Acceptance Guide
I encourage you to try using the Serenity Prayer as an acceptance guide. If it feels foreign to you or seems simplistic, start with unimportant matters in the beginning. I think you will find that it is very soothing to just state the words aloud. It takes the edge off things for me, and I don’t think I’m alone in that.
As you begin experiencing the comfort and serenity that comes with accepting the things you cannot change, you will feel more confident in using the Serenity Prayer in times of greater struggles and challenges.
Please share your personal stories about the Serenity Prayer; how it has helped you; how and when you use it; and how it has changed your life.
In the meantime, remember to
Let It Go—and Accept “What Is”!
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