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Letting Go of Control Truths and Tips (#2)

Truth and Tips Q&A #1 explained how fear was the prime driver of our need to control others and outcomes. Q&A #2 is a logical follow up:

Q:How can we reduce our fears so that we will control less? (Part One) 

A:  Effectively reducing our fears is usually a multi-step process.    It begins with clearly identifying what they are.  For many, this is not so easy, because our fears easily bask in our lack of awareness.   We tend to attribute the anxiety and discomfort that fears generate to other things.  It is much easier to look elsewhere than it is to look within us.

Thus, one of the best ways to detect this most tricky of emotions is to do a fear inquiry.   Recall the day’s events as specifically as possible.  The fear-invoking event will be lurking in there somewhere. More often than not, it is something you totally blocked—and why not.  It was too painful to deal with at the time.

In doing your fear inquiry, be aware of any anger or resentment you may be harboring.  Anger is commonly an aggressive response to our fears, and it too, invokes controlling actions.   Still another sure sign is when you procrastinate in addressing important tasks and challenges.

Our fears can also have a strong physical presence.  Note where they may be located—tight chest and stomach, painful lower back, or somewhere else—and try to “feel” their presence.  As you do, breathe in and out slowly, and they will usually be revealed–and even ease.

Once we have a clearer understanding of our fears and how they impact us, we can then begin to find ways to defuse them. One effective way is to confront and process them.  I will offer some tools to help you do that in my next post.

Until then, I will leave you with two

Questions to Ponder: 

“Did you discover any “unknown” fears during your fear inquiry?  What were they?”

“Did knowing what they were lessen their impact?”

Please share your responses with me!

In the meantime, remember to

“Let It Go—and Accept “What Is!” 


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