Have you set your intentions for 2015 yet? Because of their importance to my serenity, I annually review and update my intentions for letting go of control. Such intentions are highly effective in reducing our need or compulsion to control others and things. Below are my intentions for letting go of control in 2015 together with links to prior posts on the particular subjects.
I intend to:
Let go of the things that I cannot realistically change
Trust more that my children will make decisions that are best for them
Trust that I will be okay whatever the situation
Reduce my expectations of others
Recognize that what works for me does not necessarily work for others
Focus on improving my own shortcomings rather than trying to change others
Try to live more within the natural ebb and flow of life
Be aware of the impermanence of life
Remember that most things are not as important as I think they are
Live and Let Live
Be more patient
Recognize that there is more than one path to an acceptable destination.
Timely process my and resentments
Accept life as it is
Say the Serenity Prayer each morning
Be aware of the beauty all around me
Be more aware of and grateful for the many blessings in my life
Repeat these intentions at least once a week throughout the year
If you have control issues as a parent, a co-worker, a lover, or a family member, my book Losing Control, Finding Serenity, How the Need to Control Hurts Us and How to Let It Go (a seven year Amazon bestseller.) can be very helpful.
What are your intentions for letting go of control in 2015? Please share them with me. I encourage you to try the ones above that personally speak to you or formulate your own. I am confident your reward will be,
Greater Serenity in 2015!
In the meantime, remember to
Let It Go!
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