Because of their importance to my serenity, I annually review and update my intentions for letting go of control. Such intentions are highly effective in reducing our need or compulsion to control others and things. Below are my intentions for letting go of control in 2013.
I intend to:
“Live and let live”
“Be more accepting of others”
“Let go of the things that I cannot realistically change”
“Listen attentively to others without offering advice”
“Face and process my fears”
“Moderate my expectations of others and things”
“Be more humble”
“Focus on improving myself rather than changing others”
“Recognize that my way may not be the best or “right” way for others”
“Be more grateful of the many blessings in my life”
“Accept life as it is”
“Say the Serenity Prayer each morning”
“Repeat these intentions at least once a week throughout the year”
What are your decontrol intentions for 2013? I encourage you to try the ones above that personally speak to you or formulate your own. I am confident your reward will be,
Greater Serenity in 2013!
In the meantime, remember to
Let It Go–and Accept “What Is!”
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Renissmee lazare
Just what everybody needs,..
ma emilia bureros
points for me to ponder…
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