I am honored to have been selected as the keynote speaker at the prestigious Inside Edge Foundation for Education on Wednesday, May 11 at the Faculty University Club of the University of California, Irvine.
My speech is entitled “Decontrol Your Life: Thriving and Prospering with Freedom and Contentment”. It is a breakfast meeting from 6:30-8:45 am, and I will speak for 45 minutes starting at 7:45.
Reservations can be made by calling 949-369-3837 or through the Inside Edge web site . At a later date, my talk can be viewed on Inside Edge’s You Tube channel.
In the meantime, remember to,
Let It Go–and Accept “What Is!”
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Galen Pearl
Hi, I came over from Jonathan’s blog. Your title caught my attention right away. I blog about developing habits to grow a joyful spirit. My third step is “Give up the delusion of control.” I focused on this topic in most of my posts in March. All that is to say that I am really drawn to your topic and I have enjoyed browsing around your blog. I look forward to reading more.
Hey Danny, pleasure to be here at Losing Control, Finding Serenity! You’ve got a very nice blog going on here 😉
I’ve been thinking about purchasing your book, it seems a very ideal reminder to others that we can’t control our lives the way we want to. There’s only one ‘source’ in charge, and it’s that which made us. It knows what’s best for us.
Sometimes, I forget that fact, so a book to remind me of this would definitely help out 🙂
Daniel A. Miller
Thank you, Stuart, and I appreciate your nice comment about my article on Advanced Life Skills!
Galen Pearl
Just ordered your book. Looking forward to reading it!
Daniel A. Miller
That’s great Galen. I appreciate that and I hope you enjoy it!
I’m now receiving and enjoying your blog posts.
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