There is an integral relationship between accepting life and people as they are,…
In speaking with people about their acceptance stories for the new…
Most control freaks live a life filled with grand illusions and myths about…
Freedom people living a free, happy, carefree life at beach. Silhouettes of a…
Many parents are frustrated and distressed because they feel they have lost control…
Guest Post by Anne Southern
Over 20 million Americans struggle with some form of substance addiction, whether to drugs or alcohol (this does not include the many million more who are also addicted to tobacco) Despite this huge body of people with direct experience of addiction, it remains a huge taboo in our society and, once clean, many people choose to hide their past as an addict from the significant people in their lives.
This level of deception and control can be hugely damaging to relationships, particularly to romantic relationships, and can make it difficult to let go and truly accept happiness. You will never truly know whether the person you are choosing to build a life with loves you for who you are until you have shown them every aspect of who you are, including the parts of your past that you are less than proud of.
Let Go of Your Shame
As we begin a year of great uncertainty, and for many, great fear and anxiety, it is important to consider what we can do to bring greater peace and serenity into our lives and those we love. For me, that begins with striving to accept people as they are and life as it is—and importantly, to do so without anger or resentment. As I’ve done in the past, formulating acceptance intentions helps me considerably in practicing acceptance.
I am presently writing a new book titled The Gifts of Acceptance. Below are a some acceptance intentions from the book related to accepting our loved ones, children, and parents.
In 2017, I intend to:
“Be grateful for all the nice things my loved one does for me”
“Accept my loved one’s personal choices”
Contribute Your Acceptance Story to my New Book and Receive $50 plus a Free Signed Copy!
Do you have a personal story about how you accepted someone as they are--annoying traits and all? A love one, boss, parents, or estranged sibling—even a nemesis? Or a story about how your accepting an adversity (a business failure, career setback, health issue, child’s wrongdoing, or other setback) allowed you to move forward with your life in a less stressful, more positive way?
I am currently writing another book, titled The Gift of Acceptance about the profound and often unexpected benefits that are bestowed upon us when we accept people and things as they are, or the “what is” in our lives. Included in the book will be true stories from individuals who have embraced the far-reaching acceptance dynamic.
Please share your acceptance story with the book’s readers, using the questions below as a guideline. If your story is selected for the book, you will receive $50 plus a signed copy of the book one month after its formal publication.
If you don't control, you can flow--and that's true with love as well. …
Have you set your intentions for 2015 yet? Because of their importance to…
It’s during this time of year that we often hear the proverbial, “I…
Freedom people living a free, happy, carefree life at beach. Silhouettes of a…