The Serenity Prayer* is my guide to practicing acceptance in all my affairs.…
My father, Morry Miller, was only 21 years old when this Air Force…
We’re taught to honor our mother and father. But what if they weren’t…
Do you have trouble accepting annoying people in your life? If you are…
As a prequel to the pages of Losing Control, Finding Serenity: How the…
I have learned that acceptance conversations can be true peacemakers that bridge the…
There are formidable challenges to accepting people and things as they are. In…
Some people--maybe even you--upon reading the title of this post might immediately retort…
In a previous post, The Link between Addiction and Control, I considered whether…
Overcoming denial is a prerequisite to acceptance. You can't accept "what is" when…
I am very excited to let you know that the ebook of my…
It is a constant challenge to practice acceptance, especially when the stakes seem…